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# 10, October 2013
УДК: 004.056.53
Problem of providing of informative safety at communication of audiovisual data on the popular ductings of connection
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
This article is devoted the problem of protection of audiovisual data in the popular ductings of connection. For the ground of actuality of this problem the row of basic tasks which must be decided was considered in its scopes, the features of application of vocal technologies are resulted in the systems of safety and informative systems, and also the market of services of connection was analysed taking into account the modern necessities of his users. As a result, it was exposed, that demand was lately increased on services of konferencsvyazi among the different layers of population, however offered modern technologies of defence  of vocal information for such multimodal systems in the indicated sectors of appendixes are not while.
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