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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

Evaluating the Possibility of Oral Speech Software Analysis Application for Research in Developing a Method for Diagnosing the Presence in an Individual's Memory of Concealed by Him Information

Engineering Bulletin # 06, June 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0615.0780454
УДК: 159.96
Article file: Belykh_V.pdf (830.15Kb)
authors: Yu.I. Kholodniy, S.D. Panin, V.A. Belykh

The problem of creating oral speech software analysis tools for studying the possibility of developing methods aimed at research of verbal and cogitative processes externalization in the context of an individual's concealing information about past events has been considered. A corresponding tool for oral speech software analysis by several characteristics (fundamental tone frequency, phonemes distribution dynamics, number and duration of pauses) has been developed and described. A series of experiments clearly demonstrating the working results of the created software analysis tool and showing practical significance of the analyzed oral speech characteristics has been conducted and described. The developed software analysis tool and the obtained results make it possible to proceed with system research in development and practical implementation of the method for diagnosing the presence in an individual's memory of a possibly concealed by him information by means of analyzing the acoustic and psycholinguistic characteristics of his speech.

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Publications with keywords: acoustics, psycholinguistics, oral speech analysis
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