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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

77-48211/638257 Teaching of Mathematical Modeling

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2013
УДК: 378.147
Article file: Markelov-.pdf (197.00Kb)
author: G.E. Markelov

This paper describes some particular aspects associated with teaching of Mathematical Modeling. Taking into account these aspects allows improving the quality of graduates training and increasing their competitiveness. The paper provides recommendations aimed at creating a common and inseparable connection between the mathematical, natural science, and engineering disciplines. The paper describes a unified approach to constructing a mathematical model that to the sufficient extent has the properties required for a particular study. It considers the use of modern information and communication technologies and individual approach in organization of training. The paper reviews the particular aspects of organizing the training sessions in accordance with modern requirements.

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7. Zarubin V.S., Markelov G.E. Osobennosti razrabotki elektronnoy informatsionno-spravochnoy sistemy po matematike dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov [Features of the development of electronic information-reference system on mathematics for technical colleges] // Uchenye zapiski. Issue 19, Moscow, IIO RAO, 2006, pp. 196–197. (in Russia)
8. The Official Website of the Department of Applied Mathematics [Electronic resource]. URL: http://applmath.bmstu.ru/ (Date accessed: October 10, 2013).
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