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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

AUSTRALIA: Universities set to expand

Universities can accept increased numbers of students following Senate agreement today to the Gillard Government's higher education expansion plan.

The bill empowers the government to provide a place for every prospective student who is accepted by any university.

According to Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans, the legislation will end bureaucratic control over university enrollments by empowering institutions to accept as many students as they choose, rather than negotiating annual enrollments with Canberra.

While the Opposition points to a provision in the legislation that allows the minister to cap places in any field of study, as now occurs in medicine, Liberal higher education spokesman Brett Mason said the coalition supported expanding access to university.

University lobby groups were quick to endorse the legislation. Professor Ian O'Connor from the Innovative Research University group called it "a major transformation in higher education funding" which would allow member institutions "to offer more opportunities and flexibility to students".

However Greens education spokesperson Lee Rhiannon warned universities are not being funded to meet increased demand and criticised deregulation. "The whims of the marketplace and consumer demand are not a steady framework on which to build a sustainable future," she told the Senate.

Source: The Australian
Photo: Minister for Higher Education Chris Evans
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