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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

UK: Universities recruit more foreigners as places for British students plummet

Universities are placing a new emphasis on recruiting students from overseas as the number of British youngsters who will miss out on places is poised to reach record levels. Research by The Sunday Telegraph has revealed that nearly a quarter of universities, including Cambridge, plan to recruit more international students for the academic year which begins in the autumn, while their number of home students will fall or remain static.

Out of 26 institutions which responded to a survey, six were budgeting for fewer British and EU students, or the same number as last year, while at the same time planning to offer places to more students from outside the EU.

Cambridge disclosed that it will make 2,991 offers to 'A'-level students for 2011/12 compared with 3,180 in the current academic year. Yet it proposes offering 62 extra places to international students bringing its total to 907.

 Universities may be increasingly turning to the overseas market – where students can pay tens of thousands of pounds for a place – to make up expected budget shortfalls in the 2011-12 academic year before the controversial new £9,000-a-year tuition fees come into force in September 2012.

 Other universities where the number of home places is set to fall while the overseas headcount increases are: Ulster (4,618 home places, down 518); Sussex (2,652, down 123); Napier (2,545, down 89) and Bath Spa (1,950, down 59).

Full text of the article: The Telegraph website

Photo: The Telegraph

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