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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

USA: University of California to raise tuition again

The University of California (UC) system is seeking to raise tuition again for the fall, on top of an eight-percent increase that had already been approved, it was reported on Sunday.

Should UC regents approve the proposal, undergraduate tuition for California residents would rise to more than 12,200 U.S. dollars, not including room, board and other campus-based fees, amounting to an increase of about 1,920 over this year's tuition, The Los Angeles Times said.

The requested 9.6-percent tuition increase is intended to make up for the 150-million-dollar funding reduction outlined in a state budget passed last week, the report said.

The previous eight-percent tuition increase, along with a package of other spending cuts and austerity measures, was aimed at addressing a previously announced 500-million-dollar cut in state support for the UC system, the report quoted Patrick Lenz, UC's vice president for budget and capital resources, as saying.

The UC regents are to consider the tuition hike proposal and other possible budget-related actions when they meet July 12-14 in San Francisco.

Full text of the article: on Xinhua website
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