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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

Singapore's Newest University Is an Education Lab for Technology

Singapore University of Technology and Design, now under construction, is a big gamble for a high-tech city-state that considers a globally competitive work force its key to national survival. Government officials are betting more than $700-million that the new venture will cultivate the next generation of innovators in architecture, engineering, and information systems.

One selling point of the institution, which is to start classes on a temporary campus in 2012, is that it is associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On many renderings of the logo, the words "Established in collaboration with MIT" appear in red letters, suggesting that the new venture expects to replicate the prestigious U.S. university.

But it will be anything but a carbon copy. MIT researchers are treating Singapore's new university as an education laboratory where they can try out new teaching methods and curriculum, some of which may then be taken back to Cambridge.

MIT has had mixed success in exporting its brand. It was forced to close branch campuses of its Media Lab in Ireland and India after only a few years of operation, after they failed to gain enough financial support. But it has long worked well with universities in Singapore. For years the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology has supported joint research, and MIT helps run the thriving Singapore-MIT Gambit Game Lab to explore video-game design.

The Singapore leaders are not counting only on MIT, though. The new university has also forged a link with a top Chinese research institution, Zhejiang University, which will design some courses, provide internship opportunities, and conduct joint research. Singapore is even importing an ancient Chinese building, donated by the movie star Jackie Chan, to remind students of Eastern design traditions.

Full text of the article: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Photo from The Chronicle website
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