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Publisher: All-Russian public organization "Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov".

EUROPE: EU seeks role in nanobiotechnology


Seven European research centres have formed a consortium to launch nanobiotechnology on a European scale, backed by funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme on research.

The grouping, EuroNanoBio, claims it is defining the key features of a potential European future nanobiotechnology industry, which uses tiny microbiological particles to make products and components.

The consortium says it envisages the development of a network of nanobiotech concerns including "high-tech SMEs, education, research and development, risk management and engagement with the public".

And EuroNanoBio has proposed advice for potential industrial collaborators targeted at policy-makers, cluster managers, universities, technology transfer offices and research organisations.

In a communiqué, EuroNanoBio said it expected its major impact to be "to initiate the emergence of a European capacity in nanobiotechnology, which should support the development of new nanobiotechnology-based products and industrial processes and foster their reliability, safety and future commercialisation on the global market."

Nanobiotechnology is said to be the most complex sub-area of nanotechnology because it involves simultaneously distant scientific disciplines such as physics and clinical research, biology and mathematics, engineering and immunology. It has not yet been developed as a distinct market or industry, however.

The consortium partners are:

* Bioanalytik Münster eV, a central communication and information agency for researchers, companies, investors, institutions and the public interested in nanobiotechnology in Germany.
* French atomic energy research agency, the CEA.
* The Tyndall National Institute, created by Irish Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment and University College Cork to bring together complementary activities in photonics, electronics and networking research.
* MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, part of the University of Twente, in Holland.
* Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan, involved in the fields of health, rehabilitation, training and international cooperation.
* Tthe Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia established by the University of Barcelona and the Regional Government of Catalonia as a research centre.
* The National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies IMT-Bucharest IMT, Romania, which is dedicated to research and development in micro-nanobiotechnologies, technology transfer, education, training and dissemination.

Source: University World News
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