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Engineering Education # 07, July 2016
Analysis on ways to play media content on the websites
Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2015
УДК: 004.771
The work is devoted to the question on the justification of technology selection to access media data that is played on websites. The features of the organization of access to the media content using tag technology and flash technology are considered. The system of criteria for their evaluation, which take into account both of the interests of the media player's developer and requests the end user, is proposed. The criteria included the following items: the development tools type, the size of RAM and external memory, the design complexity, the user interface quality, supported codecs, the required download time. The comparative analysis on this criteria system on the tag technology and flash technology is made. The experimental measurement of the load time of a web page with an embedded tag player and a functionally similar flash player is carried out. The results obtained allowed to conclude about the efficiency of one and other technology when determining the approach to play mediacontent. The work can be useful for specialists in the field of the web development.
Migration of the High-Availability VMware vSphere Cluster
Radiooptics # 03, May 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0315.0789630
pp. 14-26
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