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Engineering Bulletin # 01, March 2018
УДК: 004.432
Principles of constructing a scalable Web-oriented system for estimating the Pareto-approximation quality in solving the multicriteria optimization problem
Engineering Bulletin # 09, September 2017
УДК: 519.6
Quite often in real situations, the quality of operation of the object or system being examined is not estimated by a single criterion or quality measure, but by a set of such criteria that are equally significant. Tasks of this type relate to, and are an important stage in the design and evaluation of the design object. There are a large number of methods that allow to solve the multicriterion optimization (MCE) problem. A relatively new and progressive class of MCE methods are methods that presuppose the preliminary construction of some finite-dimensional approximation of a set of solutions called Pareto-approximation. At present, there are quite a few Pareto-approximation methods, which raises the question of a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of these methods. As shown in the previous works of the authors, many software systems implementing these algorithms do not provide fast access and do not have an easy-to-use interface for calculations and analysis. In this paper, the development of a service-oriented system for the performance and evaluation of the Pareto-approximation quality is considered. The main purpose of this system is to provide fast and convenient access to Pareto-approximation solution and evaluation algorithms, without attachment to a particular operating system or application.
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