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Сomputational and Experimental Researches of Ice Pieces Impact Against a Plate-Imitator of a Blade Airfoil of an Aircraft Engine Axial Compressor
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0716936
The calculation-based modeling results of the impact of ice bricks, which can be formed on the components of the engine air inlet, against the pointed edge of the plate target imitating a leading edge of the compressor blade are compared with test results of a pneumatic gun firing by ice plates. Experiments and calculations were carried out at various angles between the direction of flying ice and the plate target plane. Two models of ice "fragile" and "plastic" were used with different size of the yield point of material. Calculated destruction of fragile ice was in closer consent with that observed in experiment. Calculated damages of the plate in the form of edge bending well correspond to the damages received during experiment. The obtained results give the grounds to use a calculation-based modeling to analyze consequences of ice pieces hitting the inlet components of aviation engine.
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