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Study Fidelity Spatial Contours of Industrial Robots
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0709548
The paper presents the research results of fidelity spatial contours done by Fanuc M-710iC/50 industrial robot when moving along a predetermined path. The proposed method uses a QC20-W ballbar wireless system of Renishaw company, designed to diagnose the state of the measurement and playback linear and angular displacements of the CNC. The solutions to adapt the QC20-W ballbar system to the constructive peculiarities of industrial robots with five or more independently controlled axes are presented. The stages of the preparation of diagnostic systems and software robot movements are described. According to study results of errors that arise while playing back the programmed motions of a fixed point of robot capture in three mutually perpendicular planes its practiсal accuracy has been defined when performing movements in a given region of the working area, thereby allowing us, eventually, to draw a conclusion on the possibility to use a robot in one technological process or another.
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