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Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.33

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.33
Simulation Modeling of Wheeled Vehicle Dynamics on the Stand "Roller"
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0707918
The article substantiates an urgency to develop the theoretically grounded techniques for the bench tests of automotive engineering. It introduces a new principle to simulate the load operating conditions with moving wheeled vehicle in outdoor environment at the bench «Roller. A mathematical model of wheeled vehicle dynamics both at the bench and on the road has been developed. The mathematical simulation allows us to conduct the theoretical researches of straight-line dynamics of a single wheel on the hard non-deformable support base with different characteristics. The results of mathematical simulation proved the efficiency of the proposed approach and the created mathematical model. Further research trends based on this principle are justified.
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