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Algorithm of Dynamic Stabilization System for a Car 4x4 with a Link Rear Axle
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0704685
Exploring the development trends of the modern automobile, you can see that manufacturers are constantly improving a control level of parameters of wheeled vehicles motion, achieving the maximum level of car stability and controllability. The slow development of similar systems in the Russian automotive industry is the cause of the lack of research in the field of power-distribution under specific driving conditions, typical for the automobile all-wheel drive vehicles. The purpose of work is a development of methods to control the curvilinear motion hire 4x4 with a link to the rear axle, providing the increase of stabilization and tracking stability of the car. The paper presents developed algorithms of torque redistribution between driving axles and wheels of a car 4x4 with the torque redistribution between the driving axles  in the range of 100:0 - 0:100 and 100:0 - 50:50 and with the torque redistribution between the wheels of the rear axle in the range of 0:100, ensuring the stabilization and tracking stability of the car. The paper offers a criterion for system operation to have dynamic stability of the wheel vehicle motion. It also presents analysis to compare the efficiency of different algorithm combinations for motion stabilization of cars with a link to rear axle.
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