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Frontier of linear spatial filtration during interference elimination of a spatially-heterogeneous background in various classes of thermal direction finders
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0656657
The frontier of linear spatial filtration during interference elimination of a spatially-heterogeneous background was considered in this article. It is supposed that the effect of linear filtration depends on parameters of the correlation function of the background and characteristics of an optic-mechanical block. The achievable degree of interference elimination, obtained as a result of analytical statistical estimation, was compared with the values required for a difficult background. The authors estimated the degree of signal suppression from the edges of interfering formations on a “step” model and on a video frame with a real difficult background. The obtained results demonstrated that the class of linear filters does not provide comprehensible indicators of interference elimination during observation of targets on difficult background ensembles.
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