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A principle for the noninvasive measurement of steady-state heat transfer parameters in living tissues
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0695233
The article describes a principle that may become a regular basis to use the noninvasive methods to measure parameters of steady-state heat transfer in living tissues, excluding the influence of unknown parameters such as biological heat sources and blood temperature. It presents a theoretical analysis and examples to implement the set out principle and proves technically a possibility to use this principle to determine the heat conductivity and perfusion of blood in human dermal epithelium. Furthermore, the article shows that the noninvasive determination of other parameters of biological tissue that influence on the steady-state heat transfer is possible.
Thermo-physical model of bio-tissue and its numerical implementation
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0645537
An adaptive mathematical model of bio tissue for heat calculations was introduced; this model takes into account hemoperfusion, heat exchange with surrounding air and other specific for living tissues internal heat sources which are calculated from boundary conditions of a steady state. Discretization procedure for this model was described; results of numerical simulation by the example of single and double layer bio-tissue were presented. In order to validate the discrete model corresponding analytical solution for a particular case was obtained. It was shown that the existent Pennes model is a special case of the proposed model. Possible application domains were also discussed in this paper.
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