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Influence of methane on delay of hydrogen ignition during pulsed discharge escape to the air from a high-pressure chamber
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0633287
Influence of methane on diffusion auto-ignition of hydrogen during pulsed discharge escape to the air from a high-pressure chamber was experimentally determined. Pulsed discharge occurred from a high-pressure chamber due to a breakup of the diaphragm. Hydrogen was mixed with air at the contact border. In this case hydrogen ignition point was achieved by means of air heating with a created shock wave which occurred as a result of non-stationary hydrogen discharge from a high-pressure chamber. It was shown that increase in the amount of methane led to increase in the delay of ignition. It was proposed that there is a kinetic mechanism of inhibition of burning in addition to a thermal process. The obtained results could be used for preventing hydrogen ignition in storage and while operating in high-pressure systems.
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