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Analysis and modeling of worst-case situations during uncontrolled deployment of space cable system
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0633253
Different variants of worst-case situations involving space cable systems of small length during uncontrolled deployment were considered in this paper. As a rule, these situations are caused by an abrupt change in the tensile force of the cable. This leads, depending on the flick, to a springing of the end-bodies and their return motion with the risk of collision, or to a break of the cable system, followed by independent movement of the end-bodies. In addition, worst-case situations may be caused by collisions of the cable with micrometeorites or debris objects that are likely to lead to a sudden breakage. In examples, development of the discussed situations was analyzed; absence of collisions in cases of dangerous approaching of end-bodies was demonstrated. It was proposed to introduce design features for increasing safety of uncontrolled deployment in potentially dangerous situations. Analytical and numerical methods were used for solving the motion problem after separation. Analytical solution of simultaneous motion of two bodies in orbit was used for extracting information about the distance between bodies during their motion. Numerical solution uses a model of the cable system in the form of a chain of weighty material points connected by viscoelastic links. In this model there are solid end-bodies; presence of end friction dampers is also simulated; influence of the Earth non-sphericity and atmospheric drag was taken into account. With the use of numerical solutions a set of trajectories was obtained; cases of dangerous approaching of end-bodies were demonstrated. For such situations it was suggested that cable sections with regulated break force should be used. Forms and motion trajectories of developed cable systems were presented. Methods used in this paper can be applied to planning and justifying safety of spacecraft flights with uncontrolled deployment of the space cable system.
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