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Study of linear aerial photosystems that are based on the photosensitive charge-transfer devices
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0619654
A study of aerial photosystems that are based on the photosensitive charge-transfer devices was carried out in order to determine the linearity of their units. To estimate the linearity of photosensitive charge-transfer devices the authors used results of a specially developed technique of physical research, which is based on the construction of light characteristics and verification of the superposition principle. It was shown that a photosensitive charge-transfer device is a linear unit within a certain range of brightness. Width of this range was determined by the introduction of the notion - light latitude of a photosensitive charge-transfer device.
Mathematical model of aerial photosystem based on photosensitive devices with charge transfer transfer
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0619667
This paper considers a mathematical model for estimating resolution measuring properties of an aerialphotosystem developed on the basis of photosensitive devices with charge transfer. The proposed mathematical model which implements an analytical method for estimating resolving power of aerial photosystems based on the theory of linear optoelectronic system allows to obtain assessments of resolving power for various types of aerial photosystems with consideration for their conditions of use.
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