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Statistical modeling of component supplies in the network of repair providers in auto industry
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0615319
The article deals with the statistical analysis of a database of component and spare part supplies of the network of repair providers in automotive industry. Tests of regression, variance, correlation, factor analysis and other methods of multivariate statistical analysis were performed. Some patterns of the order placement, allowing one to build forecasting procedures for sales volume in a more substantiated way were obtained.
Optimization technique of preventive replacements in the task of planning the repairer’s production cycle
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0615305
This paper examines the operating reliability of motor vehicles. It was shown that the structure of maintenance operations and repair influences the cost of performance assurance. A method of preventive replacements was proposed in this work; this method transfers part of potential repair operations to the scheduled maintenance. Such decision contributes to increasing the operating reliability and the scheduled maintenance’s price. An optimization model, which allows one to determine the rational amount of preventive replacements, was also proposed in this work.
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