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Hysteresis development of self-oscillations with a limited artificial gas cavity formed in a hydraulic line
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0604048
Artificial cavitation occurs in a hydraulic line as a result of gas feeding either into a separation zone behind bluff bodies, or directly from the wall jet in the liquid flow line. The resultant attached cavity is often unstable, so the system is set for a state which is characterized by oscillations of pressure and flow phases. This process is greatly enhanced with the proviso that the cavity is closed by hydraulic resistance established downstream of the gas injection site. A characteristic abrupt increase in the frequency of oscillation with a monotonic increase in the flow rate, and the same sharp decrease in frequency at lower flow rates could be identified as special features of the process in some working modes. The authors propose an explanation of the experimentally identified hysteretic nature of development of self-oscillations in the hydraulic lines with a limited artificial gas cavity at the output.
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