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Availability of Russian scientific periodicals: meaning of Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and publishers’ web-sites
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0585718
The ambition of Russian periodicals to join international scientific and informational space and citation indexes, which is regulated by state documents, can’t be successful without increasing the qualitative level and availability of journals by means of indexing in the leading foreign databases. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is the main source of information about journals for the international society and experts of citation indexes. This base covers more than 220 thousand existent journals published in 200 languages and in 90 thousand publishing houses. The authors analyze data on Russian periodicals in Ulrich’s database. The main statistical and actual data on Russian journals contained in this database are presented in the article. The analysis results showed that only 40% of Russian periodicals are represented in this database. As journal websites are the main source of information for Ulrich’s and other databases, including citation indexes, creation and development of websites is a crucial problem. Solving this problem would allow publishers to get the most complete image of Russian periodicals in Ulrich’s database and provide a better “visibility” and “availability” of Russian scientific journals for the international scientific and information community. This article presents basic recommendations on the structure and content of information on a website along with the strategy of its development into a full-fledged publishing platform.
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