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The University’s knowledge management system
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0581872
In 2012 at MSAL named after Kutafin a scientific research was carried out; the aim of the research was to determine prospects for further development of the University’s knowledge management system. In recent years many researchers paid significant attention to development of this branch of IT penetration into the field of education. After analyzing the existent experience, a group of authors defined a check list of the most promising and successful projects which had been implemented, in a varying degree, with the use of knowledge management systems. The authors made special reference to the system for generating educational content developed at Bauman MSTU under the auspices of prof. I.P. Norenkov. This particular direction that allows to increase efficiency of development and actualization of electronic educational resources, in the future, will help to create unified subject areas in universities, which, in their turn, will clear the way to new learning technologies based on project and cross-disciplinary forms of the teaching process. This article describes problems of electronic educational resources in the university and approaches to their solving. A set of scenarios of formation, visualization and application of knowledge bases was also considered.
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