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Dodecapod’s movement algorithm within a linear cylindrical tube of variable cross-section
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0587740
A dodecapod is a one-section parallel manipulator which could be considered as an evolution of the wide-known hexapod, or the Stewart platform. The idea of a dodecapod was proposed by prof. S.N. Sayapin in 2012. In this article the authors consider one of the dodecapod’s functional capabilities: movement within a linear cylindrical tube of uniform and variable cross-sections. A design model of the dodecapod was presented in this paper along with propagation conditions for dodecapod’s movement within the tubes and the algorithms of changing the lengths of dodecapod’s rods, which make its movement possible. The presented results allow to draw a conclusion that a one-sectional parallel manipulator based on a dodecapod could be applied to creation of mechanisms for execution of technological operations in linear cylindrical tubes of uniform and variable cross-sections.
Synthesis of orientation mechanisms for the space observatory “Millimetron”. 4. The concept of intelligence system of active vibration protection and very precise pointing of the space observatory “Millimetron”
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0574243
This is the fourth paper in the series of four works dedicated to design of parallel mechanisms for orientation of the space observatory “Millimetron”. In this work the authors consider problems of providing high-precision geometry of the space observatory “Millimetron” released on the orbit along with its very precise pointing at the observable object. These problems are caused by very high sensitivity of the observatory and its operation under conditions of deep vacuum and extra-low temperatures. The concept of intelligence system of active vibration protection and very precise pointing of the space observatory “Millimetron”  was introduced. This is a unique system; it allows to increase efficiency of vibration protection and precise pointing of the observatory significantly.
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