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Analysis of stream ciphers by solving a system of algebraic equations
Engineering Education # 03, March 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0313.0546388
The authors research the method of algebraic attack on stream ciphers based on solution of algebraic equations. The method is applied to a stream cipher constructed according to the disposable pad scheme. The authors consider types of key stream generators needed to construct stream ciphers. The key stream is a pseudo-random bit sequence which is combined with the original message to get the ciphertext. The algebraic method of finding the key of the key stream is described in the article. A program that generates a key stream and a system of equations to analyze the stream cipher was developed. The authors found maximum parameters of the stream cipher, the analysis of which can be carried out by software in several first elements of the key stream, its output function and changes of memory state.
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