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Setup for studying the process of cutting materials at low cutting speeds
Engineering Education # 03, March 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0313.0541420
In this article the authors describe the construction and operation of a technological laboratory setup for studying the process of chip formation during cutting at micro speeds; this setup was developed at Bauman MSTU. This setup was developed on the basis of a large Zeiss engineer microscope. The setup includes a special drive for moving a work piece relative to a hard-mounted tool; it also includes an automated photo micrographic attachment for recording separate stages of deformation and destruction of a material of the layer being cut, and a specially designed dynamometric device based on the elastic and electrical operating principle for determining the cutting force components. This set of devices allows to investigate and record separate stages of the chip formation process in more detail and to estimate their influence on formation conditions and quality of machined surfaces. 
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