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Analysis of Main Factors Influencing the Emergence of Inventions and Discoveries in Science and Technology
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
The discoveries in science and inventions in technology emerge due to three available components, which are required. They are a general level of science and technology development, social order or social conditions and a personal scientist, inventor creativity. The paper reviews their relationship and interaction in various historical epochs. It especially emphasizes on the recognition of the scientist, the inventor in the development of science and technology. Difficulties in scientific research with focus on the creative process and artistic personality are identified. There is a lack of theoretical approach when analyzing this problem. So it is argued that the empirical method to analyze the characteristics of the creative person is necessary. Based on the analysis of articles both of domestic and of foreign authors in the field concerned the paper highlights the most common, significant points, which allow us to draw conclusions regarding the creation process and creative personality. The importance of these conclusions is analyzed in terms of home and foreign pedagogical practice.The novelty of this work is the analysis of creative process and creative person based on domestic and foreign literature. The foreign and domestic pedagogical practice materials illustrate the significance and application of the results of this analysis. The differences in the educational procedures in terms of creative abilities of students are highlighted. Attention is drawn to the positive aspects, which should be used in home teaching practice when dealing with students.

Engineering Education # 03, March 2013

# 1, June 2012
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