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Thermal anchoring of wires in installation for investigation of low-temperature properties of materials
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0486450
This author considers thermal anchoring of wires with the use of a prototype installation for investigation of low-temperature properties of materials. A mathematical model of thermal processes is provided along with a numerical example according to the chosen mathematical model. The influence of self-heating of wires on the finite geometrical dimensions of the thermal anchor was determined.
Methods of effectiveness increase for regenerative chamber of the second stage of Gifford - Mcmahon cryocooler.
Engineering Education # 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0469389
Basic methods of influence on cooling capacity of the two-stage Gifford-MacMahon cryocooler are presented in the article. The main properties of materials of the regenerative chamber are considered. Examples of multilayer regenerators and selection principles for materials for each layer are also presented. The main advantages and disadvantages of structures such as GOS, GAP and alloys of rare metals in comparison with traditional materials of regenerators are analyzed. The possibility of using double-layer particles in the second stage regenerator is shown.
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