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The Information System to Support Processes of Professional Self-Determination
Engineering Education # 11, November 2014
УДК: 004.891
The information system to support processes of professional self-determination is considered, which allows you to determine the professionally important qualities of users with the help of vocational guidance methods and choose according to these appropriate professions. The three-level conceptual model is proposed that reflects the stages of professional self-determination, which requires the use of the information system for the diagnostics and adjustment of professional intentions. An algorithm is presented for adding professions in an information system, which is based on the method of establishing correspondences between professions and areas of professional activity that promotes correct and successful choice of future profession. The conclusion is given about the need to use the system in a selection committee of educational institutions and in the human resources department of enterprises.
Designing an information system to support career guidance processes at various levels
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0452460
The author substantiates the relevance of creating an information system to support career guidance and gives a detailed description of the main stages of design process: creating a formal model of career, formulation of requirements for the system, creating a functional model of the system using the IDEF0 methodology, and development of a database structure. Special attention is paid to the mathematical description of vocational guidance through competencies. It is suggested that Internet technologies should be used as software. The author emphasizes that the results of the design are the basis for further development of algorithms and software implementation of the system.
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