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Influence of step length on energy efficiency of walking type of motion
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0213.0541387
In this article the author analyzes influence of step length on energy efficiency of movement of walking machines and heavy robots. Marching modes of walking machines with periodic leg movement are considered. The analysis is based on theoretical research results and field tests of prototypes of walking machine with cyclic propulsion plants. The nature of changes in the structure of energy consumption by increasing step length is determined. The most significant components of energy consumption at different speeds are identified. It is shown that an increase in step length, at a constant speed, significantly reduces inertial load of walking machines and reduces the power required for movement. It was also shown that walking machines with simple and reliable cyclic walking propellers can be claimed for introduction of new soil conservation and resource-saving technologies in agriculture.
Structure of energy consumption of walking machines with cycle propellers
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0370775
 The article gives an analysis of the structure of energy consumption connected with motion of walking machines of "heavy" weight category with cycle propellers. The analysis is based on the results of theoretical studies and field tests of a 5-ton walking robot "Vosminog". The most significant components of energy consumption at different speeds were identified. It was shown that the speed of walking machines was significantly constrained with overgrowth of energy in order to overcome inertia forces.
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