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Brownian motion of a plane surface in a non-Newtonian medium
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0586338
This paper describes motion of a plane surface in an unbounded viscous medium with non-Newtonian properties under the action of a random force. It was shown that fluctuations in the velocity of such a surface are described by a stochastic integral equation, and are classified as non-Markov processes.  Statistical characteristics of changes in surface velocity, including a characteristic function of the first order and moments of the first and the second order were obtained. It was also shown that the effect of both dilettant and pseudo-plastic non-Newtonian fluids in the first approximation have similar statistical properties. It was determined that the variance of fluctuations of surface acceleration in case of a non-Newtonian medium was greater compared to the same parameter in a Newtonian fluid.
Kinetic phenomena in media with microstructure as non-Markov processes
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0366037
 The article presents a review of investigation of kinetic processes such as diffusion and thermal conduction in media with microstructure, near to the particles of micron and nanometer size, as well as microfilaments. The flow features of kinetic processes on small spatial and temporal scales are described. It was shown that these processes belong to the class of non-Markov processes and require the use of integral transformations for their description.
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