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Synthesis of a quasi-optimal trajectory of an unmanned aerial vehicle
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0646471
A problem of constructing spatial trajectories for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and synthesis of program controls were considered in this paper. A nonlinear mathematical model of UAV movement as a material point along the trajectory was described. A kinematic trajectory is based on the time-dependent polynomials. Program control implementing this trajectory is based on the concept of inverse dynamic problems. Кинематическая траектория строится на основе полиномов по времени, а реализующее ее программное управление – на основе концепции обратных задач динамики. The purpose of this paper is to determine the minimal time of the UAV maneuver so that the constructed kinematic trajectory and control would satisfy the limits on state variables and control. Numerical optimization methods were used to solve this problem. Results of numerical simulation were also presented.
Implementation of a flat turn of the spacecraft by a quasi-optimal algorithm of reorientation
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0465320
The author considers a quasi-optimal control algorithm of the angular position of a spacecraft (SC); the algorithm takes the spacecraft from an arbitrary initial position to a final rest position in a preset time. The aim of this work is to find conditions under which the synthesized control software sets the flat turn of the spacecraft (SC). Control software is based on the concept of inverse problems of dynamics. It is shown that, in general, control software determines the spatial turn of spacecraft. The author obtains the conditions under which the control software implements the flat turn of the spacecraft. The author refers to special cases when these conditions also have a simple interpretation. The results of numerical simulations confirming theoretical results are also provided.
77-30569/345396 Analysis of properties of quasioptimal and optimal algorithms for the spacecraft spatial reorientation
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The author presents a comparative analysis of two various approaches to the synthesis of control algorithms for spatial reorientation of a spacecraft. One of such approaches is based on the concept of inverse problems of dynamics, which allows of synthesizing smooth programmed control, building controls which stabilize program trajectories, considering restrictions and carrying out numerical optimization of a trajectory by the chosen criterion. The second approach is based on the synthesis of optimal program control using the Pontryagin maximum principle. The results of numerical simulation are provided in the article. The comparative analysis of the received results is also included.
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