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Engineering Bulletin # 07, July 2014
УДК: 316.663.5: 37.013.8
Problems and Prospects of Higher Technical Education System's Transformation
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
Article is devoted to the issue of transformation of higher technical education. The importance of educational practices in the modern world is discussed. Need of change of an educational paradigm as a whole, and in technical education, in particular is proved. Existing educational practices are considered and problems which arise in the modern world in connection with them are described. Based on the materials of the conference "Modern educational technologies and their use in the system of humanitarian training of engineers" with use of a method of the object and documentary analysis the main problems that exist today in the Russian Higher Technical School are revealed.

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2013
77-48211/400975 Object-documentary analysis as means of enhancement of students’ cognitive competence
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
This article deals with the analysis of problems of modern technical education and search for a way out of the current situation. The object-documentary analysis was proposed for usage in the educational process as one of possible solutions. The possibility of applying this method in the educational process is proved; its efficiency in development and optimization of cognitive skills is shown.
77-30569/342803 Place of professional ethics in the system of engineering education
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The authors consider the importance of courses related to formation of professional ethos. It was shown that in the modern world engineers often act as decision-makers not only in the spheres of engineering and technology but also in social and political spheres. The authors argue the danger of technocracy and demonstrate ways of overcoming it in the system of engineering education.
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