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77-30569/338644 The universal installation for determining parameters disbalancing of float sensitive el-ements of giroinstruments
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The installation of frame type for the purpose of balancing of floated sensitive element (ESE) of gyro-instruments in fluid, besides the frame, includes an electromagnetic suspension (EMS), an angle data transmitter (ADT), a torque sensor (TS) and two columns firmly attached to the foundation of frame.  Armature of ADT, TS and two aligning elements (AE) of EMS were fixedly attached to two semi-axis of the frame, and their stators were attached to the apertures of the columns. AE of EMS are used both for suspension of the frame in fluid (without ESE, and then together with ESE) and as force sensors (accelerometers) allowing to determine the values of forces applied to the armatures of AE of EMS. Residual weight of Δ G or floatability of Δ P and trim moment of Md of ESE were determined with the results of measurement. The feedback “angle data transmitter – torque sensor” was used to determine the moment of static unbalance Mst about suspension axis of ESE.
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