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Regarding using the principle of superposition and its illustrating models in teaching psychics electromagnetism
Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2015
УДК: 372.853; 537.8
The illustrative examples of the superposition principle in presenting the university course on physics section of electromagnetism. With the use of this principle is developed and explained the new model to explain the mechanism of refraction of the electric and magnetic vectors on the boundary between two media. According to these models, the main causes of refraction vectors are associated charges (electricity) and molecular currents (in magnetism) formed on a flat boundary between two different media at the approach vector lines of a field are not normal to the boundary. The proposed model, using the superposition principle, allow a new account for the behavior of electric and magnetic vectors on the boundary between two media. In the explanation of refraction of lines of electric and magnetic vectors is not necessary to rely on the law of tangents, because this law is contrary to other known empirical law - the law of sines, which is subject to the mechanism of the refractive index of the optical beams.

Engineering Bulletin # 07, July 2015
УДК: 378; 37.02; 537.21
Description of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum with the usage of physical quantities - polarization and magnetization
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0425164
Wave equations are usually differential relations between electromagnetic field quantities. However, there is a possibility of description of electromagnetic waves even in a vacuum with the use of material quantities of polarization and magnetization. A model of electromagnetic waves can be created using these physical quantities. The author’s system of physical quantities and laws was used for demonstrative description of wave and other relationships of electromagnetism.
77-30569/299700 System approach to teaching physics to engineers
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The author proposes a new system of physical quantities and dependences that could be used in teaching physics. The author describes dimensional fundamentals of the multilevel system of physical quantities and the principle of determination and visualization of dependences, and also provides samples of such visualization for three divisions of physics: mechanics, thermal and emitting quantities and electromagnetic quantities and dependencies. The most valuable part of the system is that its users who understand the uniqueness of the system’s multilevel nature and formal rules of exploring dependencies could easily find dependences which present natural relationships. This way they can avoid thoughtless memorizing of numerous physical formulas. Furthermore, the skill of creating formulas from other formulas, which can be difficult for engineering students, becomes less important and not necessary.
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