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77-30569/296744 Pattern recognition of shorthand texts of XVII century based on structural frame description
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
The mechanism of abstract pattern recognition, that was the foundation of the general recognition method of the XVII-th century Old Russian shorthand text was considered. The structure of the recognition system’s knowledge base was described. The abstract pattern recognition algorithm based on the introduced knowledge base was defined and researched. The given algorithm forms a basis for recognition of specific types of images – shorthand’s letters and words.
77-30569/296965 Recognition of Old Russian shorthand’s words and letters of XVII-th century
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
 This article is devoted to the recognition of Old Russian shorthand’s letters and words of XVII-th century. These recognition mechanisms are the part of two-level structural recognition technique. The method of structural description of shapes of letters and words was introduced along with the corresponding frame-based knowledge representation method. The algorithms of the recognition of shorthand’s letters and words, based on the proposed method of knowledge representation, were defined and researched in this article.
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