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Convolutional Sparse Coding for Static and Dynamic Images Analysis
Engineering Education # 11, November 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1114.0730860
pp. 664-695

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2013
77-30569/292997 Formalized structural model of OS Windows 2000
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
The article describes an attempt of creating a formalized structural model of Windows 2000 OS. The authors present structural descriptions which lay no claim to a functional analysis. All the information in the article is obtained from the open sources (Microsoft Press [1]), or was obtained independently as a result of reverse-study of the system components. The authors propose a definition of the OS structure which, in turn, includes descriptions of the structures of its base components - such as the environment subsystem block, system support library, actuator system, operating system kernel, device drivers, system processes. The system basic structural components are given with the indication of their interrelation.
77-30569/292510 Concept and properties of descrete process of system functioning
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Article is devoted to analysis of process representation form as a description of changing the state of any system in time. The description of process was included; every component such as parametric set of a system, state space, temporary set, diagram and phase space were described. Concepts of subspace, subprocess, projection of a point in space onto a subspace were introduced. Operations of convolution, deconvolution, projection and union were defined over these processes. These operations were analyzed; their properties and realization conditions were defined.
77-30569/292913 Integration of algorithmic description of system functioning
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
Article deals with the methods of union the descriptions of discrete system functioning, represented as algorithmic models. The way of process description as an operator-parametric scheme was considered. The concept of homogeneous process was defined. It was shown that the functioning of homogeneous processes could be briefly described with introduction of new united elementary operator and the concepts of local process environments, connected to initiator. Obtained results allowed introducing the concept of blocks and classify them. It, in turn, allowed specifying different approaches to system functioning description; a class of streaming description schemes was defined and analyzed.
77-30569/280624 Analysis of data transferring and processing in local automated information systems of duty units of the Interior
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
Article deals with the analysis of architecture and procedures of data transferring in distributed information system of the Interior. Based on the flow of documents analysis, it was shown that the duty unit is the main link of any Interior organization. The flow of duty unit’s documents was analyzed; classification of these documents was introduced, it allowed varying the burden on operational staff; model of working with documents for staff was introduced; the architecture of information system was corrected. Mathematical models and algorithms for listed problems were described in the article.
77-30569/292475 Object-oriented description of subject domain when modeling elimination of oil spills
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Articel is devoted to the problem of environment description when eliminating oil spills. It was suggested to create an object-oriented description of subject domain in order to further research with simulation methods. To create the concept of object, the spatial decomposition was produced. After forming 2D mesh in the xy plane and the decomposition of z axes, it became possible to use the concept of cell, layer and section. A cell is characterized with a set of components within its limits; these components are organized as a tree. Components are characterized with parameters; basic operations such as decomposition, synthesis, transformation, internal conversion and operations of component movement are defined over these parameters. It was proposed to used an algorithmic model for the description of conversion processes.
77-30569/292147 Algorithm of simulation process' generating
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Rules and algorithms of simulation process generating, based on the description of discrete system's functioning as a set of connected series-parallel processes, represented as algorithmic models are presented in this article. Fundamentals of algorithmic process model are briefly described. Rules providing correct generating of a class of simultaneous events (CSE) were introduced. Content and algorithms of basic components of generating algorithm such as a set of event subprograms, an algorithm of CSE selection, a program “Calendar”, a program which checks the conditions, a structure of controlling tables. Algorithms of two modeling program were included. They are scanning and linear types of program. Their performance was analyzed.
77-30569/292620 Algorithmic model of discrete process description of system functioning
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
This article deals with algorithmic process model as a form of process description. It was suggested to specify the process description as a linear sequence of elementary operators; each operator compute only one point in state space of the system. The properties of every component of an algorithmic model were described; these components are elementary operator, track and initiator. The transformation of the track allowed introducing the concept of structure that led to the decreasing of description dimension. Different structure types were analyzed; the high adaptive specifying form of the structure was presented.  It was shown that proposed model covers a wide range of processes of discrete system functioning.
77-30569/291975 The forming of simulation process, based on algorithmic description of information system's functioning
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
This article deals with the basic principles of simulation process' organizing, based on the description of discrete system's functioning as a set of connected series-parallel processes, represented as algorithmic models. Fundamentals of algorithmic description are summarized. Influence of the connection of processes and operators on the execution order of elementary operators in simulation process is analyzed. The concept of active temporary set was introduced, several of its properties were proved. Also author introduced the concept of action as the fact that an elementary operator has worked out. The actions were classified by their activity in time. The concept of class of simultaneous events at the forming of simulation process appeared to be very useful and important. Properties of class and rules of its creating were proved.
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