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77-30569/256238 Method for determination of the temperature and time stability of magnetic systems with permanent magnets
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
This article is devoted to the method for determination of the temperature and time stability of magnetic parameters in systems with permanent magnets. The method for determination of the temperature coefficient of induction (TCI) and the coefficient of time instability (CTI) was based on compensation induction-continuous measurement method. Device for TCI measurement is an AC voltage generator with permanent magnetic field. Stator is a fixed frame winding, placed in the working gap of magnetic system. Induced in the stator EMF was rectified and compensated by stabilizing voltage. Considered magnetic system (MS) was placed into thermostat. Temperature of one of the stator’s windings was measured. Temperature stability of MS could be inferred by compensated signal.  Device for CTI measurement consists of two autonomous AC voltage generators with permanent magnetic field. One of them is a researched MS; the other one is a stabilized MS. Windings of two stators were opposite. Time stability of MS could be inferred by the dependence of compensated signal on time. The developed method allows to determine temperature and time stability of MSs used in fine mechanics devices, with high accuracy.
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