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77-30569/248808 Interference pattern analysis of resolution bin in surveillance spatial coherent MIMO radar systems with beamea antennas
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
           The article considers features of the interference pattern of resolution bin in surveillance spatial coherent MIMO radar system with respect to baseline lengths of the interferometer and the number of radar stations in the interferometer. The authors provide a strategy of surveillance coherent MIMO radar system interference pattern of spatial bin construction.
77-30569/250937 Special features of dataware for radars with spacecraft tracking system
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Generalized algorithms of data processing in radars with spacecraft tracking system were considered in this article. The stage-by-stage approach to data processing and algorithms for detecting and tracking of targets were considered by the example of radar system with millimeter-wave band, designed to take radar pictures of spacecrafts. The choice of probing signals for considered radar system was determined.
77-30569/253065 Experimental research of different target types radar pictures in milieter wave range.
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
In this article the results of experimental research works of composing data bank of  radar pictures for different target types in millimeter wave range. The comparative analysis of produced radar pictures depending on angle of the object and wavelength range is included. To solve the detecting and recognizing problems, the possibility of using the oscillating components from Doppler’s images of targets was considered.  
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