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Polynomials-Based Terminal Control of Affine Systems
Engineering Education # 02, February 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0215.0758826
pp. 101-114
Tracking a process of scheduled change in the angle of attack for longitudinal dynamics of an air-to-air missile with the use of an integrator back-stepping method
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0622518
This paper deals with solving a tracking problem for a scheduled change in the angle of attack initiated by a target direction system with regard to longitudinal dynamics of an air-to-air missile. Control system design was performed with the use of an integrator back-stepping method. The author considers a model of longitudinal dynamics which takes into account dynamics of rocket control organs along with dependence of aero-dynamical coefficients on the modulus of the angle of attack. According to the results of the numerical simulation it is possible to draw a conclusion about working capacity of the control algorithm based on the investigated simplified model of longitudinal dynamics. Control of technical systems is a possible application domain.
Stabilization of single-link manipulator with incomplete state measurement: feedback on the angular coordinate of the engine shaft
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0500563
In this paper the author considers the task of stabilization of a given angular position of a single-link manipulator when only the angular coordinate of the motor shaft can be measured. It was shown that synthesis of stabilizing control laws, as well as in the case when only the angular coordinate of the manipulator link can be measured, can be realized by the principle of distribution and bypassing the integrator in the observer. According to the results of the numerical simulation one can draw a conclusion about a similar quality of transient processes in the system with control found by means of bypassing the integrator in the observer, and the control which is based on the principle of distribution and linearization technique according to the state, provided that the observer is the same in all the cases and the initial data was considered. Possibility of applying the method of bypassing the integrator to stabilization can solve this problem also in the case of system disturbances and uncertainties. The results provided in this paper can possibly be applied in controlling technical systems with incomplete information about the state of the measured system.
Stabilization of single-link manipulator with incomplete state measurement: feedback by the angular coordinate of the motor shaft
Engineering Education # 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0500549
In this paper the author considers solving the problem of stabilization of a set angular position of a single-link manipulator when the measurement can only be done by the angular coordinate of the motor shaft. It was sown that synthesis of stabilizing control laws, as well as in the case when measurements can only be done by the angular coordinate of the link manipulator, can be carried out by the principle of separation and bypass integrator in the observer. According to the results of numerical simulation one can draw a conclusion about approximately the same (with the considered initial data and use of the same observer) quality of transient processes of the system with the control found by the bypass integrator in the observer and the control based on the principle of separation and linearization technique using feedback according to the state. The possibility of applying the bypass method to the problem of stabilization can solve this problem also in the case of system disturbances and uncertainties. Possible range of application of the results obtained in the work is solving solve problems of control of technical systems with incomplete information about the state of the measured system.
77 - 30569/233615 Output feedback control of ships planar motion
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 This note deals with a ship positioning control problem. The dynamics considered are nonlinear ship dynamics on the plane. Only the center of mass coordinates and yaw angle are supposed to be physically measured. The main result states that separation principle holds for the nonlinear model in question. Specifically, the stabilizing control law is synthesized in two steps. First, the state feedback control law is found using the feedback linearization technique. Then, the global asymptotical observer is designed and the observer’s state is put into the state feedback control instead of the system’s state. The resulting system in closed-loop with the observer state feedback is shown to be globally asymptotically stable. The proved theoretical results are also illustrated through simulation.
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