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77-48211/541921 Theory and methods of vocational education in the practice of students' scientific and technological innovation
Engineering Education # 01, January 2013
Scientific and methodological problems of optimization of student innovative scientific associations for youth creativity is correlated with the areas of scientific specialties, which are 13.00.08 "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education" and 19.00.03 "Work Psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics". In general, the subject of student innovation is relatively close to the information theory of learning, engineering psychology and theory of vocational education, but not limited to any of the above. Authors took the trouble to give a retrospective comparative analysis of students' innovation of 1960 and forecast of its development up to 2020. Authors also briefly but systematically fully addressed almost every significant factor influencing the effectiveness of student innovation. Areas of a preferred implementation into the academic process were highlighted. An integrated design-competitive approach to student innovation was proposed. Our recommendations were illustrated with team results of SNTO&SKB student associations: an underwater robot, the earth satellite, a cyber-arm, an auto-fireball and more than 50 of original student works.
77-30569/229232 Business certification and independent evaluation of quality of training graduates
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The article considers the problem of creating and implementing a system of certification of graduates and engineering specialists. The basic contradictions that emerged in the socio-educational field in recent years. We propose a list of the main tasks which will effectively and successfully implement the concept of certification in the interests of job market and the individual. It is concluded that the most important step towards ensuring compliance with the requirements of the employer's graduate competencies is the development of appropriate professional standards, primarily for high-tech industries.
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