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77-30569/224479 Intelligent SCADA systems: sources and perspectives
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Intelligence property is crucial for all modern information and control systems. The experience of the last decade in facing many practical problems of developing advanced applied systems has shown that intelligent technologies are the most fruitful and economically justified in the development of modern automated control systems. The authors proposed the solution of the problem of making of control and information systems intelligent based on the concept and methodology of ambient intelligence. They formulated the concept of ambient intelligence as a hybrid meta-agent with distributed perception system and centralized executive system. The key role in creating ambient intelligence is played by automated measurements and assessments tools related to the class of SCADA-systems. The evolution of SCADA systems is discussed in the paper, their structure and function, together with various factors bringing about the need for further development of these systems, are considered. The ways of constructing intelligent SCADA-systems are shown.
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