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Development of electroflotation devices and their testing
Engineering Education # 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0431540
 This paper describes researches on inseparable methods of microorganism's biomass production, particularly - yeast biomass production by electro-flotation. The obtained data show that electro-flotation rate with separation of electrode spaces is approximately twice as high as the rate of regular flotation. For intensification of regular flotation and obtaining stable results, a laboratory plant with ejection flotation was created. Such flotation plant has advantages in formation of very small air bubbles. A set of experiments was carried out to prove the possibility of yeast suspension separation with vibration filters (acoustical filters) and hydro cyclones. The obtained data show high potential of inseparable methods of microorganism's biomass production including methods based on flotation. On the basis of these results, the electro-flotation tank allowing one essentially to increase efficiency of water purification at smaller specific energy consumption was developed and patented.
77-30569/223619 Electro-flotation treatment of microbiological manufactures wastewaters
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
In this paper have been studied basic technological aspects of electro-flotation treatment of microbiological manufactures’ wastewaters. It is shown, that using electro-flotation treatment may result in significant decrease of suspended and diluted organics in wastewater. Duration of flotation and approximate energy consumption level have been also estimated.
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