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Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.1.028

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.3

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.341

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.113.(075.8)

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.113.(075.8)
Wide-section Tire Features on Large Bumps
Engineering Education # 11, November 2015
DOI: 10.7463/1115.0826891
pp. 1-11
Technique for Determining Lock Coefficient of Differential "Quif"
Engineering Education # 08, August 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0815.0786392
pp. 51-62
A mathematical model of an all-wheel drive vehicle’s motion on a firm rough road
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0645575
A spatial model of interaction between a wheel vehicle and a road surface was considered in this article. Expressions for kinematic and power factors that determine motion and oscillations of a wheel vehicle, transmission elements and its running gear under spatial loads were obtained. It was shown that specifying wheels displacement in the coordinate system connected with the vehicle’s body allowed to make this mathematical model of motion significantly more precise. This approach provides a possibility to obtain a reliable estimate of exploitation operating modes of aggregates and systems of a wheel vehicle under conditions of passing engineering constructions.
77-30569/236947 Predicting tire acoustics performance. Algorithm for determining test-bench tire acoustic performance with specified surface of the roller
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The article covers treadmill bench tests of tire acoustics experimental prediction. The roller has three physical models of road surface with different levels of roughness. The authors give reference surface parameters and the roller reference surface. They also give recommendations on the choice of roller coating parameters and consider the structure of tire noise evaluation in test-bench conditions. The article tells about a method of reduction of control surface measurement results to a standard (virtual) surface. They describe computational procedures for determining the approximating dependence parameters for predicting tire noise level.
Predicting the acoustic performance tires. Methods of measuring noise and experimental data processing
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The methods of tire noise measuring and processing of obtained information have been examined. On the basis of the method of synchronous averaging analyze the effect of perturbations on the components of the process of tire noise for motion for the case of bench trials has been analyses. The adequacy of the procedures used in tire noise measurement bench and road conditions was estimated by correlation analysis. The integrating and separate- frequency assessment of correlation coefficient has been done. The algorithm of quality improving of experimental appraisal has been presented. The experimental data were performed with the use of the synchronous with an external sample of one turn of the wheel using a rectangular weighting window. Statistics and regression accordance with results of tiers trial using the different methods have been presented. Checking the linearity of the regression was carried out by statistics F, which has F-distribution Fischer.
Prediction of acoustic parameters of automobile tires. Engineering of experimental researches
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
By virtue of importance of noise reduction of vehicle tires in 2005 UNECE approved the following regulations: “Uniform provisions concerning the official approval of tires with regard to the road roar.” Thus, creation of low-noise tires and their acoustic characteristics control is an important task.The article touches upon the basic problems of creation of techniques and systems providing fulfillment of conditions during measuring. This concerns fulfilling both acoustic and mechanical requirements to constructions-in-progress. The article covers the approaches to creation of devices for benchmark tests and road tests at measuring tire acoustic performance. A new design of surface profilometer is offered.
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