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Modification of gears with an overlapping coefficient more than two
Engineering Education # 05, May 2011
Gearings with contact ratio big 2 have some advantages in comparison with standard straight-toothed transfers: high flexural and contact strength, low vibrations and small dynamic loads. At their projection there are some problems - jam origination, high contact loadings on crimps of teeths, heightened speeds of a slip, a heightened heat release. For elimination of these problems it is offered to use modification of a line of a structure of teeths. The article presents results of comparison of various kinds of the profile modification applied to steams of aviation toothed wheels: with contact ratio big 2, and also with contact ratio equal 1.5. Comparison was conducted for the gears applied in aircraft.
Blackout contour for gearings, projected on the set thickness of tooth on a top
Engineering Education # 04, April 2011
The design technique on the set width of a cog at an apex combines advantages of geometry of a design technique in combined parametres with obviousness of projection on OST 1 00258-77 «Transfers gear cylindrical involute straight-toothed an external gearing. Calculation of geometrical parametres».Design technique selection determines area of existence of the gearing. As a result of it the point which is in area of existence, at projection, for example on OST 1 00258-77, can be out of area of existence for the gearing designed on set width of a cog at an apex. Thus, there was a necessity for mining of a method of construction of blocking head loops for a new design technique.In the article the method of construction of blocking head loops for the aviation gearings designed on set width of a cog at an apex is presented. The method is grounded on use of nonlinear programming.
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