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The use of "trees" search states to support decision making in complex operational estimation systems on board spacecraft
Engineering Education # 05, May 2011
Any on-board system is a complex technical system, and its analysis requires special mathematical methods. The number of parameters describing the state of the spacecraft, there are tens of thousands. Each such parameter characterizes the state of node, block, unit, subsystem of any on-board system, or any aspect of the operation of this site, the block unit. To estimate the state of the spacecraft and support decision –making requires an estimate of the set of parameters describing the state of this spacecraft. One of the approaches that allow facilitates the process of search for a solution to a group of flight control of spacecraft is presented in this article. This method is the use of "trees" search condition. This approach allows us to optimize the process of analysis of the systems on board. Also, the use of "trees" search state allows you to automate the analysis process and implement its program, organizational, hardware.
Construction the function of estimation for support and operational decision-making in the control state parameters of the spacecraft
Engineering Education # 04, April 2011
State of the spacecraft is characterized by a certain set of parameters obtained from the spacecraft through telemetry. For operational decisions based on of analysis of the parameters that need the function of estimation, which shows the variation of these parameters. The article describes how to construct the function of estimation for a continuous parameter and another one parameter with a bilateral constraint the feasible region. You can see also example of the function of estimation with using expert assessment and use of color coding for the automated estimates and for decision support. The functions of estimation are often used by operational management team for the prediction and identification off-optimum situation on spacecraft and also operational decision making to overcome the off-optimum situation.
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