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Affecting system of synchronization of harmonic hindrances and noise
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
УДК: 621.396.662
The article analyzes the synchronization system in the presence at its input in the form of the combined effect of the additive sum of the signal, harmonic interferences and noises in the form of a Gaussian random process. The model of the synchronization system in the form of a phase-locked loop as a structural scheme and the nonlinear stochastic control. The article offers the derivation of the differential equation. In the future, authors plan dispose of the noise component examine the deterministic control solution using the method of harmonic balance. As a result, the authors obtained a system of algebraic equations for the parameters of the approximate solutions. The article offers the image obtained parameters depending on the values ​​of GPT. In the first case, increasing the noise intensity leads to improved matching, increases the mean time to failure of tracking and decreases the average value of the frequency mismatch; In the second case, the reverse trend.
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