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Physics Competence Assessment in Engineering Higher Education Institution
Engineering Education # 02, February 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0215.0758077
pp. 286-307
77-48211/536105 On the design of the physics course at technical university: competency building approach
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
In this article the most significant topics for learning disciplines of a professional cycle and bases of physical outlook of the technical university graduate by a specific training area are highlighted on the basis of expert estimates of an approximate physics course’s content, which rely on the structural and logical and frequency analysis of the learning content. Proposed approaches and obtained results can be used as an approximate basis for improving the content of specified physics course as a part of competence focused educational programs and for developing educational and methodical complexes, procedures and funds for estimative diagnostic tools in order to check the level of training according to the requirements of the federal and institutional components of educational standard.
Theoretical foundations of improvement the competence-oriented physics course in technical high school
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
УДК: 378.53
The article discusses the theoretical aspects and results of content analysis the general physics course as a basis for improving discipline which is oriented to model of professional competence of technical universities graduates
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