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Multi-memetic modified hybrid ant algorithm for HCIAC continuous optimization
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0470529
This publication continues the authors’ work in the field of ant algorithms of global continuous optimization. The authors propose a modification of the known HCIAC algorithm which was proposed by J.Dreo and P. Syarri in 2007. This modification is based on a set of memes in order to make local search more efficient. The authors present the results of their research on effectiveness of the modified algorithm - HCIAC-M – during the search of global extremum of Rosenbrock and Rastrigin functions. As an example, the authors consider practical importance of optimization of the engine-generator system.
Efficiency of optimization by continuous interacting ant colony (CIAC)
Engineering Education # 02, February 2011
DOI: 10.7463/0211.0165551
This paper discusses a problem of multi-dimensional continuous global constrained optimization and continuous interacting ant colony algorithm to solve this problem. The work presents the results of extensive research on the effectiveness of this algorithm for solving a number of test multi-extreme and ravine optimization problems. Recommendations about optimization of a choice of free parameters of algorithm have been made on the basis of results of research. This paper also discusses a problem of approximate construction of the Pareto set for multi-objective optimization.The effectiveness of combination algorithms CIAC and MOPSO is investigated to solve this problem.
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