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Low-radioactivity fusion reactor based on a spherical tokamak with a strong magnetic field
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
Spherical tokamak is a promising compact geometry variety of the tokamak. The most important feature of the spherical tokamak is the practical equality of the plasma pressure and magnetic pressure. In classical tokamak plasma pressure is about ten times lower than the pressure of the magnetic field. This feature allows creating nuclear fusion reactor utilizing a mixture of deuterium (D) and light helium (3He). Because of the low neutron radioactivity D–3He reactors are environmentally attractive promising direction for future development of fusion energy. Present work shows the possibility of development of a compact, yet powerful D–3He reactor on the basis of a spherical tokamak.
Numerical research of turbulent transport processes in compact plasma power installation with longitudinal currents
Engineering Education # 04, April 2009
Now will reach considerable progress in experimental and theoretical researches of plasma systems with the turned magnetic configuration. Such systems possess unique physical properties and a number of technical advantages in comparison with other magnetic configurations for deduction of high-temperature plasma. In particular, pressure and the specific power maintenance of plasma are extremely high.
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